Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013


Dear you,
I let my heart bleed for you for so, so long; years. I allowed myself to be drained dry on a daily basis because you were on my mind from the moment I awoke right up until I finally passed out after hours lying stock-still, dreaming of the day I got you back. During the night I assume you left me alone (not that I ever remember my dreams) because during that time I filled myself up again, healed myself and my body prepared for a new day.
& then I would wake up and expect to see your face.

Drip, drip, drip.
You lost that power long ago, and now I’m whole again. I thought you always were and so I always hated you for not being around to stitch me back up when it appeared that you’d been able to do it for yourself;
What I didn’t realise was that I was wrong on both counts. I didn’t need you to fix me, I was always capable of doing that myself I just wasn’t trying - no matter how much I thought I was, I wasn’t trying and it took its toll. I don’t know how I accidentally allowed my heart to heal but you won’t be able to puncture it again for a while now. 
My second mistake was assuming that you were fine. You bled just as much as I did, didn’t you?

Drip, drip, drip. 

I wish so much I could say that I wrote this. Credits go to Daisy though, a woman who's words I find truly inspiring. When I read this, I felt as if I could have written it myself, as if I really did. I am the girl who was not whole, who couldn't stitch herself together. But here I am. I am whole, and I am happy. 

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